Mumbai, Sep 19 (IANS) Meera Antony, the daughter of Tamil actor-composer Vijay Antony, allegedly died by suicide on Tuesday at her home in Chennai. She was reportedly 16.
Reacting to an old tweet by Meera's mother, film trade analyst Ramesh Bala tweeted, “In March of this year, Fatima Vijay Antony was so happy that her daughter Meera Vijay Antony became the cultural secretary of her school students association. We all congratulated her on Twitter. She was the world to her parents. Can't imagine the pain."
Meera was a Class 12 student of a private school in Chennai.
According to reports, Meera, who was under pressure and was getting treatment for the same, was taken to a private hospital after being found hanging at her Chennai residence. Upon examination by the doctors, she was declared her dead.
Meera was found hanging at the residence around 3.00 a.m. by the house help. The shocked family rushed her to the hospital where she was declared dead.
Meera is survived by her father, mother Fatima and her sister Lara.
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